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Sherman Mines Tamagami Ontario, DOFASCO
Dominion Foundries and Steel Corporation (DOFASCO)
Remediation of 2.8mm cubic meters of effluent contaminated with petroleum oil and grease at concentrations between 400,000 and 800,000 parts per million and 250,000 cubic meters of soil between 40,000 p.p.m. and 160,000 p.p.m. at the Sherman Mines site in Temagami, Northern Ontario.
Reduce contaminants to Government of Ontario standards.

The treated effluent met the required discharge quality criteria.
Soil in excess of 250,000 cubic meters contaminated with oil and grease at concentration levels between 40,000 p.p.m. and 160,000 p.p.m. was reduced to less than 400 p.p.m. in less than 3 months.
Fiton Bioremediation Example Project Video
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